Building Simulation
for Architecture

Maximize Comfort, Minimize Costs:
Building Simulation for Smarter Planning

Short Profile:

TIAN Building Engineering is your leading partner for building simulations in the construction sector. We simulate and calculate both physical phenomena and the energy behavior of buildings using scientifically recognized methods.

The software BIM HVACTool, developed by us for this purpose, takes into account realistic external influencing factors, such as site-related climate data. By using interfaces to common planning programs used in architecture and building technology, we guarantee the highest quality of our services.

Our services:

  • Fluid dynamics simulation
  • Thermal building simulation
  • Daylight simulation
  • Fire and smoke simulation
  • Air measurements and smoke tests
  • Urban planning simulation


Building simulation has become a central tool in the planning of buildings. It allows for comprehensive optimization of buildings, cost savings, and verification of plans as well as innovative concepts for their fluid dynamic and energetic aspects.

In addition, common certification systems for green buildings, such as LEED, DGNB, and BNB, demand or recommend evidence for the accreditation of certain criteria using simulation procedures such as daylight simulations, thermal and energy simulations, or fluid dynamics simulations.

With TIAN Building Engineering, you have access to our know-how from years of experience in projects of all scales, complexity, and diversity. Together, we identify difficulties and potentials and define individual measures to optimize buildings and concepts. These meet the highest quality standards, hold their own in the market, and are prepared for the energetic and political challenges of the future.

Would you also like to test the BIM HVACTool?

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