Computer simulation of fire and smoke propagation

Feel free to contact us if you need support with fire and smoke propagation simulations. With our experience, we can provide targeted support for your project and effectively apply our expertise.

Optimizing fire protection systems is a life-saving task, primarily carried out by qualified fire safety experts. Their extensive experience helps create scenarios for fire prevention and suppression. To facilitate the development of fire protection measures, simulations using certified software are increasingly employed. CFD software (Computational Fluid Dynamics) allows for simulations of fire propagation and smoke scenarios in buildings, including the extraction of smoke through smoke vents (RWA), with tailored documentation also provided.

Another area of application is the verification and functional validation of fire protection concepts. It is often challenging to align regulatory fire protection requirements with innovative designs. Fire simulations enable the harmonization of regulatory fire protection concepts with new planning approaches. A functional proof can be provided at an early stage of the planning process and submitted to the relevant authorities for approval. Fire protection simulations are accepted by authorities as a method to validate the effectiveness of fire protection concepts.